Call For Partners: Shop Indie Local Holiday Campaign
Calling all Independent business alliances, neighborhood associations, and local economy-minded business networks.

Call for Partners: Choose Indie Art Month
We want to empower you to inspire your community to support locally owned and independent businesses and entrepreneurship.

Call for Partners: Eat Indie Local
Inspire your community to eat more locally grown, raised, and made foods, meet the farmers, growers, and chefs behind their food.

Shop Indie Local Holiday Season Campaign Launches November 1
On November 1, 2022, the American Independent Business Alliance (AMIBA) will launch their Shop Indie Local holiday campaign, urging individuals and businesses to shift their holiday spending to locally owned and independent businesses. Independent businesses and...
The ABCs of Local Investing Webinar: Watch Our Recording
Watch our recording: The ABCs of Local Investing Webinar with local economist Michael Shuman.