Catalyzing Local Business

A common good approach to monopoly power

About our work

Monopolies have taken control of our economies and entrepreneurs are the victim of monopolies predatory practices. It is time to re-imagine localized economies for the benefit of all. Instead of our economic system benefiting only the behemoth conglomerates, our policies and practices should benefit the common good. Local business by its very nature is the antidote to monopoly power. 

This is why AMIBA has committed to join the effort to reign in monopolies and give our local businesses a fair chance. There is a role for each of us. We encourage you to get involved. Start by reading The Big Deal of Antitrust Laws for Small Businesses. This short paper explains why our work is so important to you and your community.

Follow our work for free enterprise

Unfulfilled: Amazon and the American Retail Landscape

Unfulfilled: Amazon and the American Retail Landscape

A new report from Civic Economics: Unfulfilled: Amazon and the American Retail Landscape builds a deep understanding of how Amazon affects small businesses and communities across the nation — and how those impacts have changed over the years.

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Join Antitrust Day

Join Antitrust Day

On April 4, companies, nonprofits, and individuals are uniting to support the antitrust bills, explain them to our audiences, and—most importantly—mobilize emails and calls from constituents to their members of Congress.

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Thank you to our partners in the Catalyzing Local Business Initiative

George Farah
Handley, Farah and Anderson

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The important work that AMIBA does to fight monopolies is funded in part by the Anti-Monopoly Fund.

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