AMIBA Campaigns
AMIBA creates several consumer campaigns each year for members to use in engaging customers to buy local.
Shop Indie Local
Shop Indie Local celebrates locally owned businesses and works to increase spending at these businesses. Our campaign urges shoppers to take positive action and boost the ripple effect of economic and community benefits our neighborhoods, towns and cities receive when we spend dollars at locally owned, independent businesses. Read more…
Shop Local Year Round
Valentine’s Day – Halloween
AMiBA has promotional graphics and messaging to help you maintain interest in Local Economy growth year round. Members can access resources to manage this initiative with graphics and planning tools. Read more…

Independents Week
The Week of 4th of July
This is a great time of year to remind people how important independent local businesses are to the health and resilience of their communities! Create your own summer special events with this pack of promotional materials and resources.
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Photo credits on this page: Header – San Francisco, Source iStock