by Jen Risley | Indie Local Businesses, News, Shop Black-Owned
From Sustainable Business Network (MA): Artifact Soapworks is a trendsetting online soap shop offering first-rate products and exceptional customer service to shoppers from the comfort of their own homes and other locations. Established by Barbara Thomas, Artifact...
by Jen Risley | Shop Black-Owned, Shop Indie Local
Here are some ideas and resources to help you promote your Black-owned business during Choose Black-Owned Month: Add an image of you and a bit about you on your homepage. Help your community get to know you! Add our Choose Black-Owned Logo to your website and social...
by Caroline Tremblay | Blog, News, Shop Black-Owned
Just 3% of U.S. businesses were identified as Black or African American-owned as of 2020, according to Pew Research. That’s despite 12.4% of the overall population being Black adults. More than half of those business owners were men. While any type of entrepreneurship...
by Jen Risley | Blog, News, Shop Black-Owned, Shop Indie Local
Instead of kings, plutocrats, and generals, a new kind of historical walking tour focuses on the people they repressed, and tells a more complete story. Reposted from YES! Magazine. By Marianne Dhenin. On an overcast morning in early May, a group of visitors mills...
by Jen Risley | Shop Black-Owned, Shop Indie Local
On Wednesday, January 12, from 11 – 12 pm ET, learn how groups like yours support the Shop Black-Owned movement. Discover ideas to launch a new campaign or build upon existing efforts in your community. RSVP today! Topics Include: Black Restaurant Week –...