Choose Indie Local and Keep the Local Economy Alive – The Case of Local First Arizona
By Roman Mukendi, AMIBA Resilient Local Economies Intern When we Choose Indie Local, we make a conscious decision to keep the local economy alive and thriving. Undoubtedly, local independent businesses keep the money closer to home, but we must all find creative ways...Moose’s Corner: Local Economy Innovations
Each month, Michael Shuman (a.k.a. The Moose) spotlights local business network innovations—to inspire, strengthen, and spread our larger movement. Our first Moose’s Corner shined on Thomas Barr, Local First Arizona’s Vice President of Business...Take the Indie Challenge
This July, celebrate Independents Month by signing on to the Indie Challenge today! Pledge to buy only from locally owned businesses for a day, week, or more — you choose.
Choose Indie Local – A Force for Social Impact
By Roman Mukendi, AMIBA Resilient Local Economies Intern Independent small businesses are enterprises that make multi-social impacts on the community. Social impacts mean “any significant or positive change that solves or at least addresses social injustice and...Choose Indie Local and Reduce Carbon Emissions
Choosing to buy products within your community is key to protecting our environment from the devastating effects of climate change.