by Jen Risley | Blog, News, We Are AMIBA
In New Orleans, a city usually humming with tourists, COVID-19 altered the small business scene in ways no one could have anticipated. But when StayLocal, Greater New Orleans’ independent business alliance, surveyed businesses across sectors, it turned out the...
by Jen Risley | Blog, Eat Indie Local, Move Your Money, News, Shop Indie Local, Shop Indie Local Season
Grow AMIBA’s Shop Indie Local program, a year-round movement to grow more local, equitable, and inclusive economies.
by Jen Risley | Blog, Front Page Highlight, News
As your dollars move through your community, the money generates more local wealth, charitable contributions, and jobs.
by Jen Risley | Anti-Monopoly, Blog, Industry News Feed, News
A new report from Civic Economics: Unfulfilled: Amazon and the American Retail Landscape builds a deep understanding of how Amazon affects small businesses and communities across the nation — and how those impacts have changed over the years.
by Jen Risley | Blog, News, We Are AMIBA
Our love for local is often something we feel but can’t quite pinpoint. It’s that sense of welcome and liveliness that’s built into the very brick of a place. Entrepreneurship and local business have long been part of that story in Cambridge, Massachusetts,...
by Jen Risley | Blog, Shop Indie Local, Shop Indie Local Season
Even with a smaller budget, you can give more this holiday season. How? By joining the Shop Indie Local movement! We’re purchasing more of our holiday gifts and celebration needs from our friends and neighbors — locally owned business owners. Please Shop Indie...