Small Business Rising’s (SBR) biweekly social media toolkit provides social media content for partners to promote our campaign to rein-in power of monopolies and level the playing field for small businesses. This toolkit aims to promote SBR’s new TikTok account and relaunched Facebook group, as well as encourage partners to participate in FTC’s October public meeting. Help us spread the word by posting this content on your organization’s and/or business’ social media accounts.
Latest News
- Built With Purpose, Fortified With Love
- Choose B Corps, Co-ops, and Celebrate How Indie Locals Give Back
- Warm Up to Winter With Placemaking
- The Good for Supply Chain Award: Madison Closet and Farms
- Eat, Drink, and Be Local: Year-End Sales
- Skip the Door-Busting Mobs and Chill Your Holiday with Plaid Friday or Cider Monday