Small businesses are a vital part of economically healthy, socially vibrant, and environmentally sustainable communities. AMIBA is proud to partner with the Small Business Anti-Displacement Network (SBAN).

We are eager to share their recently released brown paper that outlines the challenges small businesses face in gentrifying neighborhoods, provide data about POC- and immigrant-owned businesses, and offer recommendations for policy and practice to address these challenges.

The SBAN network will also highlight papers produced by other organizations and institutions working on similar issues. This partnership will give AMIBA networks access to valuable resources to help protect our local businesses from being displaced.

Administered by the University of Maryland’s National Smart Growth Center for Research and Education, SBAN is a national network of leaders working to preserve diverse, thriving small businesses in gentrifying neighborhoods. With support from JPMorgan Chase & Co., the project will create tools and advocate for policies to prevent the displacement or closure of vulnerable small businesses.

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