We invite you to amplify Choose Black-Owned Business Month in February. Let’s inspire our communities to support Black-owned businesses and celebrate diversity.
This Choose Black-Owned Campaign is part of AMIBA’s Choose Indie Local Initiative.
Become a Choose Black-Owned Campaign Partner
2025 Partners
44th & 3rd Bookseller
Artika Tyner
BuyAlaska Program
Community Wealth Builders
Kentucky Main Street
Local First La Plata
Local Umbrella Media
Louisville Independent Business Alliance
Mannequin Madness
Noble Hungers (a culinary bookstore)
Peabody Area Chamber of Commerce
People First Economy
Pyramid Books
Spokane Independent Metro Business Alliance
StarSpan Cycling, LLC
The Book Readers Venue
the marigold effect
The Super Crowd, Inc., a public benefit corporation
Triad Local First
Under the Umbrella Bookstore
We Arose
How Organizations Can Celebrate Choose Black-Owned Month
Alliances, organizations, and other community groups will celebrate Shop Black-Owned Month with us in February. How will they mark this month?
How Locally Owned Businesses Can Celebrate Choose Black-Owned Month
Do you sell products and services from Black-Owned businesses? Give them a shout-out during Shop Black-Owned Month.
How Black-Owned Businesses Can Celebrate Choose Black-Owned Month
Here are some ideas and resources to help you promote your Black-owned business during Choose...