Before you buy,consider… How much of your $100 purchase stays in your community when spent at local stores, chain stores and remote online. This web-ready graphic explains the difference. Keep your local economy healthy by shopping locally for all your needs...
Local Economic Return of Indies vs Chains Spending at a local independent businesses puts 3.5 times as much money in your local economy as shopping at a chain store Multiple studies across the country show 3.5 to 5.5 times the local economic impact. Spending with...
Franchise Marketing Reality How Independent Local Businesses help your community thrive.Despite higher gross sales, franchises deliver less profit. Would-be business owners are told franchising will help better their chances of survival, yet the most thorough study to...
The Local Multiplier Effect How Independent Local Businesses help your community thrive The Multiplier Effect results from the fact that independent locally owned businesses recirculate a far greater percentage of revenue locally compared to absentee-owned businesses....