We invite you to amplify the “Move Your Money: Bank Local, Invest Local” message in April. Inspire your community to support community banks and credit unions — plus, move more of our money from Wall Street to Main Street.
This Move Your Money Campaign is part of AMIBA’s Choose Indie Local Initiative.
Become a Move Your Money Campaign Partner
2025 Partners:
Artika Tyner
BuyAlaska Program
Community Wealth Builders
Facilitated Change
Finist and the Owl
Hello. Media + Marketing
Kentucky Main Street
Local First La Plata
Local Umbrella Media
Louisville Independent Business Alliance
Page 1 Books
People First Economy
Positively Haywood
Pyramid Books
Sonoma County GO LOCAL
Spokane Independent Metro Business Alliance
The Local Crowd Monadnock
The Main Street Journal
the marigold effect
Under the Umbrella Bookstore

Virtual Impact Crowdfunding Conference: SuperCrowd23
Join AMIBA at SuperCrowd23, May 10-11, 2023, a virtual impact crowdfunding conference featuring close to 100 speakers.
Grow the Choose Indie Local Movement
Grow AMIBA’s Shop Indie Local program, a year-round movement to grow more local, equitable, and inclusive economies.
Move Your Money Closer to Home: Bank Local, Invest Local
It’s a time to inspire you to move your money closer to home — by banking with a community bank or credit union and investing in locally owned businesses in our region.