Choose Indie Local – A Force for Social Impact
By Roman Mukendi, AMIBA Resilient Local Economies Intern Independent small businesses are enterprises that make multi-social impacts on the community. Social impacts mean “any significant or positive change that solves or at least addresses social injustice and...Choose Indie Local and Reduce Carbon Emissions
Choosing to buy products within your community is key to protecting our environment from the devastating effects of climate change.
Pedaling Peace Coffee Since Day One
From Peace Coffee (MN): Peace Coffee and bikes go way back together. We actually started bike-delivering our coffee before we could afford our own roasting machine, but two roasters and a few delivery vans later, bikes remain central to what we do. We ride to work, we...Make Ripples: Choose Indie Local
Choose an Indie Local (independent and locally owned business) and that positive ripple effect magnifies. Let’s make ripples!