About our commitment
AMIBA has committed to focusing on racial equity in all that we do. This work isn’t a separate program but a foundational value that runs through all our work. We seek racial, economic, educational and social equity at our core. It is a journey we have undertaken and we invite others to join us.
Join us in our work to bring equity to the local movement and beyond
Local Leaders Roundtable: Local Hive 5/13/21
It’s time to talk about what coming out of the pandemic might look like. Plus, this has been hard, we could all use a bit of a therapy session.
Introducing the AMIBA Community Fund
We are excited to announce a new program for members, communities and supporters—the AMIBA...
Local Leaders Roundtable explores online marketplaces
It seems everyone is interested in creating an online marketplace for IBA members and several of our members have done just that. But just like local business and our IBAs, there were no cookie cutters here. Each IBA approached it a little differently. Take your time and explore the varied options these IBAs have created.
The Big Deal of Antitrust Laws for Small Business
In general, extreme market concentration is not beneficial to anyone in society except the owners and top officials of the large corporations. Squeezing out small businesses increases the cost of…
The man behind the curtain pulling all the levers isn’t a man—it’s a monopoly. And it controls your world.
Monopolies are bad. Bad for you. Bad for me. Bad for everyone except the monopoly owners. What’s a monopoly you say? A monopoly is the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service. Sounds pretty wonky but it’s not.
Remarks by President Biden on Helping Small Businesses
In a letter from the White House, President Biden explains why it’s so important to get small...
Reining In Monopoly Power Webinar Event With ILSR
AMIBA partnered with ILSR on this important event on February 22, 2021. Watch the video.
The pandemic exposed, and turbocharged, many inequalities in our economy, including years of rampant market power abuse by dominant corporations at the expense of small businesses.
Learn What’s the Big Deal of Antitrust Laws for Your Small Businesses
Every small business owners and IBA leader should know how to spot antitrust business practices -...