Learn more about how Lowcountry Local First (LLF) cultivates a strong locally owned and independent business community of 500+ members in the Lowcountry region of South Carolina. Maud Bentley, the organization’s Director of Creative & Marketing, and Jordan...
Do you struggle with measuring and communicating your community impacts? Learn more about Unit Co.’s impact report platform designed especially for small nonprofits and businesses. This software helps you efficiently collect and organize your impact data and...
How do independent business alliances inspire us to Choose Indie Local every day? And how do they measure behavior changes in their communities? Discover some of the tools used—pledges, loyalty cards, and other efforts—and how they work. Get inspired! Amanda Converse,...
Discover how People First Economy (MI) celebrates business members making the most positive impact in their community through their Good for Michigan Awards Program. Join Alice Jasper and Arick Davis from People First Economy to learn how this program started, what...